Our featured

Why we love our daycare


Qualified caregiver currently holding Early Childhood Educator Level III.


Program is based on the childs lead and activities are created based on the childs interests.


A safe play space where the child is understood and loved and can express themselves.

Quality care

Caregiver has 6 years day care experience and 5 years teaching experience.


Our day care services are available to all nationalities and cultures.


Services are available for ages 3 months and up, Monday to Friday, 12 months of the year. Overnight care is available as well as well as care in the summer months.

How does our day go

In our daycare we focus on the holistic development of the children.  In order to have a greater understanding of the child, we incorporate a relationship with the children that benefits their wants and needs while encouraging a higher set of values.

The daycare is open for set hours, and provides a standardized and regulated system of care for the children.  

“We understand how important it is for children to grow up healthy, smart and happy. We develop programs that will be interesting and useful for the future generation of people!”
We understand how important it is for children to grow up healthy, smart and happy. We develop programs that will be interesting and useful for the future generation of people!